Sunday, March 10, 2013

We have an important annoucement...

Travis & I along with our 2 dog-son's: Pudge & Barkley, have a very important annoucement to share with all of our family & friends!
We found out the beginning of February that our family would be growing by 2 more feet, and being who I am, it's SO hard to keep quiet! 
Unfortunately things aren't going "normal",and as my Mom pointed out, I've never been "normal" myself! Here's the news we have so far...
Monday, March 4th Travis & I went in for our first ultrasound of sweet baby, HR was 124, had just started beating late the week before so we were right on target. They drew a bunch of lab work.
Tuesday, March 5th I waited by the phone ALL day, finally got the much anticipated phone call from the nurse with some lab results, mainly checking my Progesterone (a vital hormone in sustaining baby) and much to my suprise, we were low. 7.3, need to be around 20. Thankfully there are ways to increase it, and my Dr. recommended the Progesterone shots. So Travis (he's off all this week for his "Spring Break" in between clinicals, thank God) he rushed to Victoria to learn how to do these shots for me.
Wednesday, March 6th, some complications began to arise that I wasn't so sure of. I thought I wasn't going to have good news. Travis yet again, rushed to Victoria, the Dr's scheduled me in, we had another ultrasound and honestly had tried to prepare for the worst but pray for the best. Again, much to our suprise, baby was still doing good and had 104 HR. The emotions that day were so, overwhelming.
So, the baby being there and still having a HR was GOOD news. The bad news? No one wants it, but here it is.
They found what was causing the complications is a large subchorionic hematoma. (Research it if you don't know what it is, it's basically a bruise between the placenta (holding the baby) and my uterus) No one can explain how or why they get there, but it is none the less, there. And the only treatment option right now, STRICT Bed Rest for me.
Before anyone assumes "great, why is she telling us, it's not going to be good", there have been positive outcomes with similar situations. As well as not so good ones.
BUT we have been through the "ringer" this week, emotionally, physically and well, spiritually!
We have given it over to our one and only God, we know he is with us and protecting us and won't give us anything we can't handle. We have contemplated sharing our news for quite a while now, especially this week.
Many of you know our story, from private messages/phone calls, but we want to let everyone know who is interested.
Please keep us all in your prayers, it's times like this the petty stuff in life doesn't matter, the family/friend support we are getting is phenomenal.
Eventhough I tell him multiple times throughout the day how much I appreciate him, and love him, Travis has definitely been my rock through all of this. I can't imagine him not by my side as we venture through this pregnancy. He does get weak like me, but he always keeps me smiling, even with his little jokes about my shots (they're givin in the rear end!) here's his joke...
"When this child grows up, we can tell them they were LITERALLY a pain in the butt!" :)
Thank you all for reading. Will post again soon with pictures from the books we made to tell our parents, and keep an eye out for the videos on facebook of the reveal.
Also when we have our next appointment on Wednesday 3-13 to find out the status of sweet baby, I will definitely update then.
Much love to all,
Tara & Travis

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