Sunday, March 15, 2015

Stockshow & Birthday Shenanigans!

Lately I've fallen guilty to "plopping in my recliner and watching trashy t.v." in the evenings, I go through phases of having a show every night of the week, to not caring if I miss it all! I fell guilty to "Prince Farming" on the Bachelor, Hell's Kitchen, Survivor, Criminal Minds, and of course, Big Bang Theory. OH and lets not forget, I must catch up on "Little Women::LA" at some point! OH gosh, I just realized, that is a huge variety of different types of shows! Therefore, I don't have the energy to turn on my computer, upload pictures, and blog! But I made time to catch up a bit. 

Not too much has been going on with us. Just focusing on our goals of paying off student loan debt, small projects around the house, raising our (almost) 17 month old little ball of energy...seriously, he took a 30 min nap on Saturday and he was going non-stop ALL day! I was exhausted! He's such a blessing, wouldn't trade it for the world, being this little mans Mommy! 

In February my wonderful husband entered his last year in his 20's! Wow. Let the planning for the "Dirty Thirty" begin! We didn't do anything major, we spent time together on his birthday and took little man to the local livestock show. As much as he LOVES cows, and horses...I think he liked the pigs the best on that day! They had baby piglets in the petting zoo...and bunnies...I'm honestly surprised we came home empty-handed! Sometimes I think Travis is super glad we ended up living in the city vs in the country! (At least for the time being....BWAHAHA!)

Checking out the many pigs!


And bunnies!

I'm pretty sure he thought this was a "Puppy"

Just after Daddy snapped this picture, this piglet started squealing! 

The the "Moo's" 

Happy Birthday Cake Daddy! 

The weather has been pretty awesome lately. So we have began outside projects! YAY! We have been so up in the air on what to do first. Remodel master bathroom or haul in dirt for backyard...but before we get dirt should we tear down the old shed...if we tear down the shed should we redo the fence in that area...if we're going to redo the fence there should we just redo the whole fence...if we're doing the whole fence should we wait to get dirt?! THESE ARE THE THOUGHTS WE HAVE BEEN BOUNCING BACK AND FORTH FOR THREE MONTHS! So finally we came to the conclusion, lets tackle the back yard first, vs the bathroom. The backyard is somewhere that we can spend a LOT of time at, make it our little sanctuary where Corbin can play with the puppies, and summer is upon us shortly, so lets get it done before it's 300 degrees outside! 

So Travis tore down the old shed (that's the pieces you see behind Corbin in the following picture), and today he started taking apart the fence. We will be replacing it within the next few wks, little by little! I'll take some before/after pictures! 

We have patch of dirt in the backyard...this kid LOVES it. 

I can't believe he's on the verge of being a year and a half...

Daddy got an action shot!

Silly goose! 

Please excuse the backyard in the above's somewhat embarrassing looking at these pictures! Shortly, hopefully we will have a decent looking backyard, the front yard is looking great, so hopefully by time for a certain someones TWO year birthday party...we will have a nice place to have it! :D  

Until next time....

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