Saturday, January 31, 2015

Eatin' Healthy & Getting Fit

This is honestly the LAST thing I thought I'd ever write a blog about. Meal Prep!? REALLY!? Who has time for that??? Well, WE made time! And WE are seeing results already and feeling great. January I decided to set a "goal" of eating better and losing some weight. We discussed some options for us, weight watchers...counting calories....portion about a mixture?

Not a set plan, but what we did was chose 2 meals for the week (for lunch prep only, dinners were different) and we spent Sunday evening prepping. Grilled chicken, sweet potatoes for me, red potatoes for the hubby, steamed green beans, steamed squash & zuccini. Weighed & Measured it out, and wa-lah! Lunches for both of us for a couple of days, and dinner Sunday evening.

Monday evening I made turkey meatloaf but in a mini muffin tin! They were EXCELLENT! I'm not sure how "healthy" it is, I used my old faithful meatloaf recipe and went light on the breadcrumbs and used turkey meat.
1lb ground turkey
few dashes of Worcestershire sauce
few dashes of hot sauce
few dashes of ketchup
italian bread crumbs to thicken
1 egg
(Sorry, no pictures of these, I forgot!)

So we each had 3 meals of chicken w/ veggies & a starch, and the other 2 days I had a serving of turkey meatloaf & a salad with boiled egg & easy on the dressing.  

We usually eat dinner out 2-3x a week. Which is RIDICULOUS. It's expensive, unhealthy, and one or both of us get frustrated as to "who's turn to pick a place" and we can never decide. We ate out ONCE during the week. Sunday-Friday ONE time! HUGE accomplishment! We had a continuing education class, and had Mexican food during the class. If we hadn't had that, we would have ate something at home! 

Dinners we had: 
Grilled Chicken & veggies on Sunday
Turkey Meatloaf on Monday
Steak on Tuesday
CEU class on Wednesday
Grilled Chicken Parm over spaghetti Thursday
Left over night on Friday

Usually Friday morning we splurge for donuts, NOPE, not this week! And Friday night is usually our Mexican food take out night...NOPE not this week! Today (Saturday) we did keep our routine of Chick Fil A for breakfast before grocery shopping. Then I got so busy cleaning the house & steam cleaning the (playroom) I didn't eat lunch!  Whoops. :-\ You're totally not supposed to "skip meals" when trying to lose weight! Then we had dinner out with my in laws at Golden Corral. I did control myself, somewhat! Ha! 

Jan 1-Jan 31st, I've lost 7lbs & Travis has lost 10lbs. Not bad, and on the right track. I'm only about 13lbs over pre-pregnancy weight at this point. My "goal weight" to be achieved by March is already almost met, so making new goals as appropriate! is busy as normal, but there's always time to cook a decent dinner. This little man is getting SO big so quick. 15 months already. Wow. I can't believe I probably need to start looking into themes for a 2nd Birthday Party. Where does time go!? He keeps us busy, he's our pride & joy and just loooove picking Mommies flowers! He's definitely an outdoorsman...and loves to get dirty! 

Until next time....
Tara ;)

Friday, January 16, 2015


So, it's a New Year. Many people set "resolutions" but we decided to set "goals". Maybe it'll be more realistic, instead of "my resolution is to: Lose 100lbs!" Yeah, not happening.

We are both very goal oriented people, hence the fact that we started dating May 2005, had goals, KEPT the goals, and are exactly where we wanted to be at this point in our lives.

Goal #1: Cut spending costs & pay off debts! We do really well with managing our money, that being said we tend to "blow" money on things we don't necessarily "need". This one has subcategories:

  • Cut eating out. Have you ever looked at your checking out and literally have your jaw drop at all of the transactions for FOOD!? And then still spend $100+ at the grocery store!? How does this happen? BUSY lives is how this happens. It's much more "convenient" to pick up food vs coming home, cooking, cleaning, ect. We're not going to be hard core or unrealistic and say "NO MORE EATING OUT EVER!!" Our goal: 2 eat outs or less a week. This goes for all meals. TWO. (3rd week in, we've done really good with this so far!) 
  • PAY OFF DEBT! Thankfully we never let credit cards get the best of us. We have our Disney one we earn points on that we use and then immediately pay it off, simply to help with our future Disney trip one day. But we do have student loan debt. And after figuring out bills, budgeting, and running numbers...we should be able to easily pay off 1/4 student loans this year, with a little more effort we could pay off 1/2! That's AMAZING!! 
  • GET HEALTHY! We need to eat less, and by not eating out as much will help as well. We have done better at exercising and getting off our rears with eating less in general. We shall see! I have 10lbs I'm packing from Corbin still. 
  • LOVE and APPRECIATE what IS, not what WAS or what COULD be.  Life is too short to worry about everyone & everything. All we can do is pray about difficult situations and know that God will see us through. We can only account for our actions. 
  • More time with those who matter most. Which is FAMILY! and FRIENDS! Our son amazes us everyday. I can't imagine missing out on anything with him, so spending more time with him and my wonderful husband are a must. Also with everyone in our families!
  • Better Wife, Mom, Daughter, PTA, Ect. That speaks for itself :) 
I hope everyone's having a great New Year so far! Corbin is almost 15 months, and he's just an amazing little person who we adore. I love it when he intentionally comes up and gives you a kiss. Melts the heart :) 

Until Next Time...
(Sorry no Pictures! Boo!) 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Extreme Couponer?!

Hi everyone! Co-workers, family & friends are always asking me "How did you get that for that price?" "How did you get that for FREE!?" Well, first of all I try not to wait until we're completely out of something to buy it. However, this ALMOST happened this time with diapers!

We have always found the best deals at Target, "Buy 2 boxes get a $20 or $15 gift card" and I'd always be lucky to snag some $3/1 boxes of diapers. Luckily we haven't found a brand/style that we absolutely hate. I'm still not sure why we waited until Corbin was around 4-5 months to try out overnight diapers, they are the best dang things ever!

So here's today's haul from Target! Let me explain how we did this.

In their ad today they had a coupon "$25 gift card when you purchase $100 worth of diapers, wipes, formula, ect" I had 2 Huggies $3/1 coupons, my in laws so kindly gave us theirs and I had a $1.50 any size pampers from a previous box we had purchased. 

We get to Target and we get to take our time, (again, thanks to my in-laws for hanging out with Corbin while we couponed!) We notice the HUGE packs of Up & Up (Target brand) diapers are "Buy 2 get a $15 gift card" PLUS the qualified for the whole "Spend $100 get $25 gift card"! We were excited! SO, we snatched those 2 boxes up, grabbed a box of huggies and were on our way. We decided to do one entire transaction, and then go back in with all of the gift cards, use another "Buy $100, get $25" and get 4 more boxes. 

So at the register we received the $15 gift card when she scanned the 2 UP & UP brands, on the razors I had coupons for "$5 off of 2" & "$2 off of 1", but Target had a deal "$5 gift card when you buy 2" so I just did that deal twice, to receive 2-$5 gift cards. The Glade I had a coupon for $1.50 off twin pack (not the BEST deal in the world, but I needed more refills!) And lastly on the go-go squeezers (Corbin loves these, we keep them on his shelf because when he gets home from "school" it's an easy grab snack for him!) They were "Buy 2 twelve packs, get s a 4 pack free" and I had a coupon for $1 off 4 pack or larger. 

Now, going to break it down for you...the first transaction: 
Huggies $24.99
Up & Up $37.99
Up & Up $37.99
-$3.00 (coupon) 
$97,97 (We received $25 & $15 gift cards to use in a diff transaction) 

Glade Plug In Refill $4.89

Go Go Squeeze:
12pk :$6.99
12pk: $6.99
4pk:   $2.00
         -$1.00 (coupon)
         -$2.00 (buy 2 get 1 4 pk free) 

Razors:( I got the 3 pack disposable ones, the cheapest item with the most bang for my buck!) 
-$5.00 (buy 2 get $5 off coupon) 
-$2.00 (buy 1 get $2 off coupon) 
$20.96 (And we received 2-$5 gift cards to use on a later purchase) 

Fewf! SO, if you do the math we received $50 in gift cards to use on a future purchase!! 
Total purchase price: $136.60 (we have the Target Debit Card Red Card which saves you 5%, so it took off around $5!) Ok, so maybe that's not an 'amazing' deal, but it's all things we NEEDED, and it saved us a lot of money. PLUS now had $50 gift cards! 

I had a gift card from Christmas for $25, and knowing once we checked out I'd receive $25 on a gift card, I added mine to the mix, making it $75 in gift cards going in to tackle this! 

We loaded the car, and headed back in. We didn't HAVE to do it this way, but to keep from confusion at the check out we did it this way. 
We purchased: 
Pampers :$24.99
Huggies: $34.49
Huggies: $24.99
Huggies: $24.99
-$5.00 (Razor Gift card from earlier)
-$5.00 (Razor gift card from earlier)
-$15.00 (from Up & Up diapers)
-$25.00 (From previous $100 diapers purchase) 
-$25.00 (Gift Card we already had) 
$23.96!!! I was so impressed, the cashier wasn't, so either she has no clue how much diapers cost and how quickly one tiny tot blows through them or she just really wasn't that impressed, haha. 
So after red card and taxes we paid out of pocket $28.76! AND we received $25 to use next time, so if you want to look at it that way...we paid $3.76 for $109 worth of diapers! 

I'm definitely not an extreme couponer, but when there are good deals to be had I like to get the best price possible.  So when one asks "HOW!?" Watch the sales, clip your coupons, and learn the stores. Targets debit card has saved us a TON, I prefer to use cold hard cash, BUT if it'll save me 5% on everything, totally worth it. Also their "Cartwheel" App always has deals going on. 

Sorry if this was super oober boring :-) 
Maybe next time I'll actually post some insight to some "goals" we've set for our New Year 2015! 

Until next time...

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A very Merry Christmas

Happy New Year to all! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, I know we sure did! This was the first year in MANY years we've been able to see and spend time with each of my 4 siblings and their families. Family means so much to me, it was great to catch up and enjoy time with everyone. We stayed busy with traveling to my parents house multiple times around Christmas to be able to celebrate with everyone, but it was worth it. 

Above: My parents with my 2 brothers, Ted & Billy 
Above: My nephew Mason opening a "chain of money" 

Above: Pappy & Corbin enjoying time opening gifts

We celebrated Christmas with my Mom & Dad In-Law on Christmas Eve. We enjoyed getting to spend time with them and loved all of the gifts, Corbin had a great time!
Above: PawPaw getting help from Corbin with his gifts. 

Below: Corbin and Mommy excited about Corbin's new backpack for daycare!
Below: Corbin being a mess :) 
Grammie showing off the art work that Corbin made for them!
Typical Corbin :) 
Corbin with his Grammie & PawPaw!

Christmas Day! Oh I love Christmas and traditions. We began our own this year since little man was a little older and a little more "into" Christmas...(I mean, just a little...) 

He woke up to his new basketball goal & ball...he was a bit more excited about the ball than the basket, but rest assured, Daddy showed him the way! 

Stocking stuffers are one of my favorites. I figure, who DOESN'T like to find goodies first thing in the morning!? We set a price limit on everything for Christmas so we don't go overboard, and to keep in reasonable! 

This year we went with $20. I thought I did good. I got an awesome deal for $10 for a bit set Travis wanted, some of his favorite candies, and some scratch off tickets! 

He however...went over budget! He had a lifesaver storybook in there (he knows it means a lot to me because that is one thing that has been in my stocking ever since I was a young child!), some reeses, and a gift box with a note. It led me on a scavenger hunt throughout the house! How fun! (NOT! I dislike the anticipation! haha! BUT I played along) 

The first one led me to Corbin's room in his "zoo", it was a wrapped gift with another note, so I followed it to the next place which was in Corbin's bathroom...another gift, another note. Then on to our shower...another gift, and ANOTHER note. Then to my office...a final gift! So I gathered up all of my gifts and opened them in order. 

1. DVD "What happens in Vegas" 
2. DVD "Bridesmaids" 
3. Beautiful cross with a pink flower in the middle
4. See picture below!

As you can see...that's slightly over budget, but one of the most thoughtful and planned out surprises since our engagement I'd say! He's gotten me a watch before...and the battery died, so I got it replaced...then it died AGAIN. So I quit wearing it. With working in healthcare I always could "use" a watch, but rely on my phone for time usually. This watch is powered by daylight. So no battery to replace...and it's pink, and it's perfect. We had seen it at Kay when getting my rings inspected earlier in the year, but knowing our price range-and budget...I didn't even think to ask for this. He's the best. 

We proceeded to open gifts. Corbin just wasn't very interested so we tore into our loot. Travis got a new Wii U game "Donkey Kong", a new electric shaver, some new under-roos, and Costa Del Mar Sunglasses. 

I picked out his sunglasses a few weeks prior, not thinking we'd have time together to go look before Christmas. Then we had a day (the Friday before Christmas) and we went looking, the ones I had picked out and bought...didn't fit him! OH no I thought. I felt awful but I didn't say anything while we were at Academy. When we got home I gave in, told him and let him have them early. Sure enough, didn't fit :( We went to go exchange them before Christmas but the line was INSANE. So he still needs to get out there and get his sunglasses exchanged, they are LONG over due since he's had his Oakleys going on 8 yrs and they are scratched and scuffed! 

I received of course my pretty watch, a very nice James Avery charm bracelet with a dog print charm for remembering our Pudge by, 3 pc set of stainless steel mixing bowls (They have pink rubber non-slip on the bottom...AWESOME!) Very wonderful & great Christmas!

Above; Corbin FINALLY got into his gifts. We are "bad parents" and gave him 3 of these V-Tech play sets, what he doesn't know is 2 of them are getting re-wrapped for Birthday gifts in October! He received so many toys just a few months ago for his Birthday, and then Christmas...we're good. haha.

Later Christmas day we went to Port Lavaca to have Christmas with my parents.

Above & Below: My mom is addicted to these Butterscotch candies. My Aunt Sue & I must think alike! We both gave her boxed FILLED with bags of them!!! 

Christmas Eve Day we celebrated with my sister Amy, her husband Tommy, nephews T, Timothy & Joey & his wife Amy & their son Rholand! Great times were had!

Above: Amy was excited about her GreenBay earrings!

The week after Christmas my sister Tab her husband Danny, and 3 nieces & 1 nephew came down from Waco area!
Above: Corbin having more fun opening gifts with Mimmie!

My brother in-law Danny & brother Billy, showing him the M&M jar with $$ in it we gave him! (Thank you Pinterest!) 

 Above: Everyone liking their gifts! Hannah with scrapbooking stuff, Dillan with a remote control and Corbin with SO many goodies!
 Above: Sneaking a candy cane off the tree....tisk tisk...
Above: My sister Tab & I !

 Above: My dad with 2 of his 3 girls, just missing Amy!
3/5 of their kiddos. The ONLY one I forgot to get a picture like this with was Amy!!! At least she lives close enough...we can have a make-up-photo!
Mimmie & Pappy with 5 of their grandkids! 

And then of course you know we wrote thank you notes for all of the lovely items we received. It's not about the gifts, it's about family at the end of the day. The fact that we all wake up each day is a gift from God we can never repay. Always be thankful for everyone in your life. Don't hold grudges so long that it's too late to make peace, life's too short to hold onto hostility and anger towards each other. For those who did go out of their way and thought of us on this holiday, we hand wrote thank you notes, something Corbin will be taught to do to show appreciation for someone taking time to think of him. In those notes we included a little special picture of our little Santa who's all finished with Christmas for this year, time is flying for us with this little man growing up so fast...Merry Christmas to all & a Happy New Year 2015! 
Above: Corbin 14 months old :)