Monday, October 29, 2012

Galveston Weekend

So, Travis is on clinical number TWO! And that means he's within driving distance for seeing each other every weekend (YAY!!). This past weekend I went to Galveston. As most of you know I've been having what I thought was TMJ (Jaw) problems/pain, so I was excited for the weekend but afraid I wouldn't be much fun. Well, luckily my pain eased up and it was a fun weekend!

On Friday night I got there at about 7pm-ish, traffic was horrific on my way in! bleh! But we went and ate at "The Original" Mexican food! YUM! It was delicious!

Saturday we woke up, cooked a yummy breakfast and we were off to do some shopping! We went to the new Tanger outlet mall in Texas City on our way to "Rocky & Maggies" (The Little Couple from TLC's dog store in downtown Houston!), the outlet mall was AWESOME, got some good deals and started Christmas shopping!

At Rocky & Maggies I MET "The Little Couple"!
We also went down to Harwin street where I bought a couple more Christmas gifts! YAY! :) feeling productive! haha!
After that we went back to Galveston and ate dinner at "The Spot", great place for hamburgers! Mine was delicious...your traditional hamburger (no veggies of course!) and fritos & chili! YUM! Travis' was a burger (with pickles only!) and BBQ sauce and bacon! YUM!
After that we went to Ben & Jerry's and got some ice cream, went to Kroger and bought pumpkin carving stuff!! :D
My love & I before the pumpkin carving adventures of 2012!

Icky guts! :P

Carving his pumpkin!

Mine is the face, Travis did the kitty! :)
On Sunday we made yet another yummy breakfast, got ready for the day and away we went! First stop, the beach! It was cool but NICE! We took some pictures and enjoyed the beach for a few!

Then we went to the candy shop on the strand, had some delicious chocolates and then went and did some more shopping at the outlet mall! Had some BBQ for lunch and then I had to head back home to start another week of work, and Trav another week of clinical! Goodbyes suck, but it'll all be worth it in a few short months!
At home I had 2 of my fur babies waiting on me, and their treats from rocky & maggies!

They were glad I was home...but even more glad I came bearing gifts! :)
Oh, and back on my "TMJ" problems, went to the dentist today and's buh-bye time for my wisdom teeth in the near future. That's what's been causing my pain :( I guess I won't be so wise anymore! ;) 

Monday, October 22, 2012


As most of you know my mother in law is very crafty! She sparked my interest in scrapboooking many years ago. So, I've always joked with Travis about wanting a Cricut. Ok, they are expensive in my books! On our way to Ganado for Market Days I brought up how I'd like one one of these days. Ok, dropped topic and we continued our day. We went to lunch with my in-laws and then on to Hobby Lobby to look for some stuff my MIL needed. We were just browsing, and we looked at the Cricut and I'm like "yeah, wayyy too expensive!" and my husband is crafty and artistic and he's like, man, I could use this. Well, so could my MIL and me! Anyways, long-story short, we ended up splitting the cost and we purchased a Cricut!! We're going to share it and we'll all get use out of it! It's pretty stinkin awesome if you ask me! :)


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It's been a while

Hey everyone! Figured I'd give a little update on the where-abouts what-abouts have been going on with us! :)

I'm settled in with my parents, loving it! It's definitely different, but I'm SO thankful that I'm able to be here to help them out when they need it and spend time with them.

Travis only has SEVEN days of clinical at his first 8 week clinical left! I can't believe how quickly it's going by! This whole YEAR is going quickly. I miss him like crazy, but getting to talk a LOT helps. I still miss my best friend, we do everything together...even clean and grocery shop! :p

I've been keeping busy working and my projects! One of my good friends is having her baby in December so I'm working on neat baby gifts for her! :)

Speaking of DECEMBER...we all know that 12-18-10 was a very very special day :)

For our Honeymoon we went to Disneyworld in Orlando Florida!

For our 1 year anniversary we went to Las Vegas, NV!

And now for our 2nd Anniversary we are going to "the big easy"...YEP...NOLA, New Orleans, Louisiana! We're very excited!

I'm overall just excited to have my husband within driving distance again in just a few days! I still won't get to see him everyday like I'd like, but we have to do what is best for us at the moment. And when we're settled in watching the sunset from our own backyard of a house we're buying in a year, we'll appreciate the sacrifices we made along the way!

2013 is a BIG year. And we cant wait!

Until next time my friends, that is a very small update on life here! haha