Wednesday, September 4, 2013

33 Weeks!

Wow! Time is flying by that's for sure. Travis & I have had a busy busy year so far. Between Travis finishing PT school, graduating, state boards, vacations, the pregnancy, buying land, now buying a home! Crazy! Speaking of the home, we close on Friday! This Friday! So unreal. We are going to get right in there and start working too. We're going to paint Mr. Corbin's nursery, and the laundry room for now. Plus we're going to remove the popcorn from the "formal dining room" that is going to be our office/scrapbooking room. We're also going to have new carpet placed before we move in, and get some quotes on a new roof! Fewf, that exhausted me just typing it! I'm very, "stuck in my ways" so I really don't want anyone's help unpacking (minus the help from Travis!) Needless to say, once we get those precious keys on Friday, I'm sure I will be at the house starting to clean later that day! :) 

In other news, we had a baby shower today at Travis' work. They are so sweet, Corbin received a lot of awesome things from blankets, diapers, a bouncer and books! He is going to be set, and we definitely don't know what we were thinking when we thought we'd have plenty of room here at my parents! Our room is getting smaller by the day, and the dogs just look at us like "seriously?!" when more stuff comes in and they are told "This is a Corbin toy, not a Pudge/Barkley toy!" 

This was a quick picture since we hadn't taken one since our 1st baby shower on the 17th of August, and boy have I grown! I grow daily it feels like! This was after church this past Sunday :) My Aunt said I should have moved over more so you could get a good view of my wedding pic. in the background to compare...well let me tell you, I'm about 50lbs heavier than that there wedding picture!! Thank you Corbin...and Blue Bell Peanut Butter & Chocolate Ice Cream!

The cake at the baby shower for Travis' work! Delicious! They had chopped BBQ sandwhiches and chips as well! Yum!

Travis wasn't expecting a picture! :) Daddy got to open all of the gifts today, and this gift (the bouncer) was heavy, so the therapist who brought it carried it in in a wheelchair! Multi use!

Gifts table

Here's some updates! 
Pregnancy Highlights for Baby Smith:

How far along? 33 wks

Size of Baby Smith? A HoneyDew! About 19" and 4.5lbs

Maternity Clothes? Oh definitely. I can still manage a few of my scrub bottoms!

Gender? It's a boy!

Names? Corbin

Getting Ready? Trying! Will be more so once we get into the house!

Movement? You mean...kung fu jabs to the ribs, each side of my body shaking like I'm about to explode!? Yeah...definitely an active little boy!

Sleep? Eh. It's been okay. Some nights he wakes me up, other nights like earlier this past week before bed (after a really busy/active day), I told Travis I hadn't felt him moving as middle of the night while I was turning over, Travis put his hand on my belly and I guess Corbin kicked him, so Travis woke me up to tell me he was moving, lol.)

What I miss: Being able to bend over comfortably! 

Best Moment of the Week: The baby shower, the movements, the house!

Food Cravings: Tokyo Grill! It's a Hibachi grill in Victoria, that, me being cheap will not eat at for dinner time...but we ate there for lunch recently, twice! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Maybe Friday after we close it'll be our celebratory meal! :)

Symptoms: Just tired!

Due Date: 10-24

Next Dr. Appt: Next week! 

Daddy: Getting super excited about doing the nursery and having projects to work on! 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

30 weeks!

Wow. Less than TEN weeks to go! Back in the "single digits", only this time, it's count down time! I think back to when we found out we were pregnant...seems like forever in some aspects, in others it was just yesterday! Travis was on his 3rd clinical in San Antonio, late Jan/early Feb we took mult. tests and every emotion went through me when it spelled it out for us "Pregnant!" Being super excited, ready for this, OH so ready for it. Then all of the complications with progesterone, the hematoma...the bed rest...the shots daily for 21 days...a very scary time for us. But now as I sit and type this, he is wiggling in my belly and I couldn't be happier. We couldn't be happier as we grow our family from 2, to 3 very shortly! God has blessed us, and we couldn't be more thankful! He is so perfect in so many ways, and is definitely a blessing!

Today we had our first baby shower! My Mom, Mom in Law, and cousin Brandy hosted it here in Port Lavaca, it was a lot of fun! We played 3 games, the "guess which chocolate bar is melted in the diaper"...then we passed around a big plastic baby bottle and everyone threw in loose change, dollar bills, or whatever they wanted...then we guessed as to how much money was in the jar! We got over $60 from that game! It will definitely come in handy when purchasing the must-have items to prepare for baby Corbin! Then we did the whole "measure the belly with toilet paper"! This one was fun, Travis got to measure me, he thought I was 13 1/2 squares...I was really 12! So he's not in too much trouble :)

We got so many great items, so many family & friends came out to celebrate with us. It was a great time indeed. The theme was jungle/safari, my Mom made the cake, and Corbin got a lot of great gifts for sure!

Here are a few pictures from the shower & the beach the other day in Galveston :)

In other news, just been busy working! We close on our house as early as the end of this month, we are definitely ready to move in and get Corbin's room all set up with all his goodies! :) 

Until next time! 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

29 Weeks! (Plus other exciting news!)

I definitely haven't been keeping up with this like I thought I would! Life has been busy!

Travis passed his state licensure exam, so he is DONE with school!

We met with the bank, after much contemplation we decided to buy a "starter house" instead of build right now. (We're keeping the land, and going to build later on!) We found out Monday we were pre approved, found a house online that night, met with our Realtor Tuesday and viewed that house PLUS another house we liked, we put an offer in, and bingo bamo, here comes miles of paperwork! :) We should be closing mid-Sept! And we can't wait to move in and get baby Corbin's Nursery all set up!

Speaking of, I am going to just do a general update on Corbin:

He's growing nicely, healthy, and happy (we have PROOF! He was smiling in our 3D ultrasound!) I have been working a lot lately so swollen ankles are a new accessory I sport around! My latest craving is chili and beans! I told my Mom that'd be reallllly good!

Here's his latest picture:

He didn't want to fully cooperate with keeping his little hands up at his face! BUT that's okay, I personally think he's simply adorable! :) 

Travis & I are taking a little trip this wknd to Galveston to use our free Moody Gardens Tickets & go to the dog races and maybe do a little shopping :) 

Next weekend is our baby shower, and I am soooo excited! I can't wait to see friends and family! A baby belly pic should be coming soon...I keep meaning to take one, but life is busy! And I get comfy in not so pretty clothes as soon as we get home! :)
Till next time!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

26 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights for Baby Smith:

How far along? (one day shy of) 26 weeks!

Size of Baby Smith?  Size of an Eggplant! About 9.2 inches long and a little over 2 lbs!

Maternity Clothes? Yes! & some stretchy athletic shorts/shirts...Travis makes fun of my t-shirts not quite wanting to cover my tummy

Gender? It's a Boy!

Names? Corbin Dwayne :)

Getting Ready? Not too much lately, going to do some re-arranging here at my parents soon to prepare for more stuff and give us more space :)

Movement? OH yes...Very active little guy! Love his little hiccups, kicks, punches & kung-fu kicks!

Sleep? He's preparing me for his arrival...that's what I've determined :) Some nights are better than others...

What I miss: Ummm being able to do things I used to do (Pull, Push, Pick up...without getting griped at :))

Best Moment of the Week: Well, this is more than just this week, but I love it when Travis will put his hand on my belly before going to sleep and talk to Corbin, and he kicks  :) 

Food Cravings: More like, what foods did I USED to love but now hate? Mexican food...and we had Olive Garden the other day with my in laws but it was kind of late and oh my gee...the indigestion killed me. 

Symptoms: Pretty much just indigestion/heart burn if I eat greasy/fried food (steering clear!) 

Due Date: 10/24/13!

Next Dr. Appt: Next month!

Daddy: Is excited for him to be here! We have been working out at our land, I say we...HE has been...I supervise mostly, and we're already making plans for Corbin's goat that his Grammie is insisting she buys him! lol! 

25 weeks 3 days...this was last Sunday before church :) 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

25 weeks + 4th of July Fun!

This was Travis & my 9th 4th of July together! Wow! Minus a few years due to work, other things going on, we go to his Nanny & PaPaw's lake house for the 4th of July celebration!

This picture was taken around 4th of July 2005, we had just started dating and his Mom & brother went to Nanny & Paw's for 4th of July but he had to work. We went to POC and watched the fireworks that year :)

In 2006 his Nanny wasn't doing too good, so his parents, brother & his gf, Travis & I went on vacation to San Antonio for a few days, we played putt-putt, go-karts, Schlitterbahn, it was fun!

2007 4th of July fishing on the Lake! My first time up there at his Nanny & Paw's house!

2008, we were engaged the December before this! :)


Wedding Year! 2010! We had fun taking pictures before the "storm" came rolling in!

2011 we didn't go to Nanny & Paw's for 4th of July, we did go up there for Easter a few months prior and for Thanksgiving. So for our 4th of July we went to Canyon, TX and watched the parade, then we grilled out at our apartment.

2012 I didn't take any 4th of July pictures. We were in the midst of packing to move me back to south Texas and Travis off to clinicals and OUT of Amarillo! :D We grilled out, went swimming and watched the fireworks at the park across the street from our apartments!

2013...this year was special, because there are really THREE people in this picture! :D We had a great time celebrating with family & friends, the fireworks and food were amazing as usual.

Now, the baby update!!

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: Today I'm actually 24 + 6 days!

Size of Baby Smith: Eggplant, 9inches and 1.7lbs!!

Maternity Clothes: All! Minus a few t-shirts I still make work :)

Gender: It's a BOY!

Names: Corbin Dwayne

Getting Ready: Yes! Thanks to my parents (who we live with) for constantly trying to figure out how they can give us more space for baby stuff! I've also been stocking up on diapers this week with some awesome coupons and Target deals!

Movement: Very much! He's super active, just love watching my belly dance and feeling him, just not so much when he pushes full force on my bladder, especially when I just emptied it 2 seconds prior! lol!

Sleep: Eh, some nights are better than others!

What I Miss: Honestly, nothing at this point? lol. I'm enjoying it. Only a few months left until he Is here :)

Best Moment of the Week:
I had my 25 wk check up yesterday and got to hear his precious heart beat :)

Food Cravings: Nothing really special, which is somewhat disappointing! Especially since I LOVE LOVE LOVE Mexican food, and now it's like, I can NOT eat it. :(
Symptoms: Nothing too bad.

Due Date: 10-24-13

Next Dr. Appointment: Next month!

Daddy: Still prepping for state boards, which he takes soon! He's getting excited and will talk to you some nights :)
Other than all that, not much else going on. We're kind of at a stand still with our land, no need in mowing it because we want to get it disked up and leveled out, and we'll be meeting with the bank in the next few weeks to see about our construction loan! :) I hope we can start building this year, but with baby coming and working, it's like time is flying by and no time for anything! It'll only get "worse" when baby is here, but that'll be okay! :)
Anyways, hope everyone had a great 4th of July! We're going to make a little 'mini vacay' out of his state boards, got a hotel in Houston for the night before and since he doesn't have to work the day after his test we're going to go to the dog races and see what kind of trouble we can get into at the outlet mall in Texas City :) OHHHH and my baby shower is coming up in August! I'm super excited! :)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

23 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 23 weeks & 2 days

Size of Baby Smith: Size of an ear of corn :) 

Maternity Clothes: Yes! Love them :)

Gender: Boy!

Names: Corbin Dwayne

Getting Ready: Yes! We have a set of shelves now with cute basket slide outs (bright blue & green), washed all the clothes/blankets we have thus far today, bought wooden letters to spell out your name over your crib, with a safari animal to go on each letter!

Movement: Very much an active baby! Last night I was so frustrated, I couldn't get comfortable in any position. Finally I laid on my R side and Daddy rubbed my back till I fell asleep.

Sleep: Ha. Hahaha...some nights are down right dreadful! BUT I wouldn't trade it for the world :) Took a nap today for the first time in a long time and your Pappy had to come and tickle my feet!!! ERrrr..

What I Miss: Not going to lie...margaritas! lol!

Best Moment of the Week: Feeling you kick lots, Daddy got his first paycheck & we registered at the hospital! :)

Food Cravings: Ice cream :P 

Symptoms: BAD indigestion! It's actually BETTER if I eat some ice cream :)

Due Date: Oct 24th

Next Dr. Appointment: Beginning of July!

Daddy: Busy working and studying for state boards! :)

Things have been going good! Travis & I had a date night last night, went to Chilis for supper & then to the movies to see "The Heat", pretty hilarious! On Friday I had time to waste so of course after doing the mandatory errands, I had to visit Hobby Lobby! :) Then went to Big Lots (very disappointed, they didn't have much for a price I wanted to pay :() and then I decided to check out the new GoodWill they opened! It's NICE. Like, Nicer than Ross! :) I found SO many baby outfits...had to control myself, a little! I got 10 outfits, all for $6! Can't beat that! We registered at the hospital (after getting all of the insurance hooplah straightened out) we're good to go now! 

We went fishing this morning with my parents down at the beach, didn't catch any keepers, but some small reds. Thankfully no hardheads! Woohoo! 
Sunrise at Indianola Beach

Travis fishing :) 

Me with my Red :)

After we went fishing we came home and I made 2 banana puddings, one for church luncheon tomorrow, and one for here at the house. Then worked on my cute 4th of July shirt you can see above! :) 

Looking forward to next weekend, taking off to Travis' Nanny & Paw's lake house. We usually go there every year for 4th of July. The only 2 years we haven't in the last 9 4th of Julys were 2005 (Travis & I had just met and he was working that weekend, we went to POC and watched fireworks), 2006 his Nanny wasn't doing good so we went to San Antonio with his parents for a vacation, and last year 2012 because we weren't sure if they were having anything and then it was too late to board the pups. So, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 we have gone...and it's always a blast! This year will be different, Travis' Nanny is now in the nursing home, but we will be spending lots of time visiting her! 

Anyways, hope everyone has a great 4th of July! Only one more holiday (Labor Day) until baby arrives (unless he sticks it out thru Halloween!) :) 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

21 weeks (ULTRASOUND pictures!)

Giving us the "Guns Up" signal!

Grabbing his "little" BIG feet!! Crossing his legs like his Daddy!

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 21 weeks and 2 days

Size of Baby Smith: Size of a Spaghetti Squash (he was weighing in right at 1lb at the ultrasound this past Wednesday!

Maternity Clothes: Oh yes. I still do the belly band with the capris I love, but other than that...maternity shorts and shirts!

Gender: It's a BOY!

Names: We decided to announce recently...Corbin Dwayne Smith :)

Getting Ready: Yes! We have clothes, diapers, and my Aunt Sue bought him his crib while she was down! Daddy assembled it for baby Corbin and it's all set up in our room with a few toys in the crib with the free Mombo nursing pillow Mommy won! :)

Movement: Yes! LOVE the kicks! Most active at night! Today my left side of my tummy was sticking out in an odd shape, soooo weird but neat!

Sleep: Eh. I've been SICK this week. Upper respiratory junk, that's been more the inhibiting factor!

What I Miss: Water parks!

Best Moment of the Week: Ummm...getting your crib and putting it together! And seeing you on the ultrasound!! ALL boy and ALL healthy! :)

Food Cravings: Ice cream :)

Symptoms: None really!

Due Date: Oct 24th!

Next Dr. Appointment: Not until July!

Daddy: Doing great! Started working his new job last week and prepping for state boards and for baby! :)

Las Vegas Trip + 20 weeks!

My wonderful husband & I were able to go to Las Vegas Monday-Thursday, for a little celebrating of his graduation from grad school and kind of a "baby-moon" as it'll be the last vacation until after baby boy is here! At least, last BIG vacation! I get asked the question a lot, "how did you do that for free/cheap?!" So I figured I'd give a little run down, a few tips and pointers and gush about our trip!

As most of you know, we went to Las Vegas in Dec. 2011 for our 1 year wedding anniversary. We booked our vacation then through and it was a package deal. Flight+ 4 nights + airport shuttle to/from Mirage (on the strip) for about $1200 (it's been a few years so I am not 100% sure of the exact amount). While we were there then we saw Mystere, a Cirque Du Soleil show, ate at a couple of buffets (during breakfast & lunch since they were much cheaper) and did all of the "tourist" things. Freemont Street, visited each hotel Lobby, Fountains at Bellagio, Volcano at Mirage, the huge margaritas, Blue Man Group, Terry Fator ventriloquist, NY NY roller coaster, Minus 0 ice bars, you name it! We were exhausted! So needless to say, we knew what we did/didn't want to do this time. Plus my oldest brother & sister in law go to Vegas frequently, and they gave us plenty of pointers before our first trip, especially when it comes to the reward card at your casino/hotel and linking mine & Travis' together!

So in January I got an offer (when we signed up for the mLife card (the Mirage, Bellagio, and quite a few other hotels are linked to mLife and when you gamble/spend money on things there, you get points and earn comps!)) The offers will come monthly/weekly/or hardly at all! So the offer we received was for 3 free nights, and then attached to that offer was a survey, took the short survey for $200 in comps at Mirage to use while we were there for our 3 free nights!

Then we found the game on facebook (it's a slot machine game, absolutely free, if you have an mLife card you can link it to the game already, or sign up for one if you're planning on visiting Vegas soon) and you earn points, those points can be redeemed for free items! And we were both skeptical of the "freebies", but we are here to tell you ....that's exactly what they were! FREE! :)

On the myVegas game we earned enough points for the Cirque Du Soleil show "KA", (not a bad seat in the house, but we honestly had one of the best seats...they came up and actually did skits right in front of us!!!) Ticket value ($49.50 PLUS tax) We paid...FREE! We also earned tickets to the Siegfried and Roy's Secret Garden & Dolphin Exhibit there at Mirage. Since we were guests there at Mirage to pay to go in would have been $16.99. Non hotel guests $19.99. With our myVegas rewards...FREE!

We also purchased tickets to "O" by Cirque Du Soleil, and we received a 15% discount due to being mLife members.

With our $200 in free comps we ate at: Cravings Buffet for dinner our first day, it's around $30 a person and there is a HUGE selection. I'm not so sure that buffet's are worth the price...but considering you're in Vegas, and food is outrageous, if you have a big appetite or just want to eat 1 meal a day, it's worth it. Just pace yourself! LOTS to pick from for the dinner buffet, and the desserts are gorgeous, but few are very tasty.


The next morning we ate breakfast at the Hash House A Go Go, it's across the street from the Mirage in what used to be "Imperial Palace" but has changed to the "Quad". That place is non-traditional breakfast food that we had last time. The portion sizes are HUGE and the price is decent. Travis had the chicken & waffles, I had the biscuits and gravy...honestly, either plate could have been shared by 2-3 people!  This meal we paid for since it wasn't at an mLife hotel. .




For late lunch/early supper Tuesday we had BLT burgers there in Mirage. We ate there last time, and it was definitely worth a re-visit! Their burgers are delicious, waffle fries and a shake are a MUST! We had this meal for free (about $45 for both of us dinner & a shared shake)

We saw KA on Tuesday after we ate, also visited the M&M world (we had toured it last time so we just selected our personal M&M's and went about our way :) )

Wednesday morning we ate downstairs at the Cravings buffet for breakfast at Mirage. They will make a personal omelet for you and there is a vast variety of all kinds of breakfast foods! Definitely worth it! Average is $16 per person for breakfast.

We then visited the pool, and it was a pretty pool but go early (like we did, at about 9am) because it gets very crowded. The pool is a relaxation pool, the max depth is 3 1/2 feet but it's a huge pool. And cold!

For dinner Wednesday we ate at the California Pizza Kitchen at Mirage. Avg pizza is about 11" (I'd say the size of a Domino's medium (if not a little smaller) and is about $15 a pizza for your more basic pizza's. Travis insisted he was too hungry to we got 2 and took the left overs up to our room which he ate as a midnight (more like 1am) snack. We then saw "O", and of the 3 Cirque Du Soleil shows we've seen..."O" is by far the best in our opinion!

We got some snacks in the gift shop one evening as well, so in a re-cap we had Dinner, Breakfast, Lunch, Lunch, and snacks...all for free :)

So some pointers on visiting Vegas. We have now been in Winter (Christmas time) and Summer. Honestly, when we go again one day, it'll be around Christmas time. The hotels were way more decorated, it was actually far less crowded and the temperatures were much more bearable.

Don't forget the free shows. Mirage has an awesome Volcano that goes off every 15-30 minutes nightly until midnight-ish, Bellagio has the dancing fountains, and the one show we didn't see the first time (since it's seasonal) was the Sirens of TI. That Not my favorite. Too many people in a small area, and the show is short and just not very good for the amount of time you spend waiting on it/fighting the crowds. Once you've seen a Cirque show, that kind of ruins the Sirens show too I think!

So something of importance...our flight! Flights have gone up in price. If you fly southwest they still have the free checked bag, but if you fly any other airline there are fees. And I'm cheap. So since it was just a few nights for us, we just did the small carry on and went with it! Much easier than fighting baggage claim and the worry of your baggage getting lost. We booked our flight through in January. When booking a flight with them, you know all of the details, and can even pay later to change it (unlike their hotels where you can't cancel unless you buy the insurance and even then it has to be something serious for them to refund you). So we paid $550 for roundtrip airfare for both of us total. Compared to the same travel days on Southwest, going directly through United which the 2 of them would have been over $1000 for both of us. We had a "long" ish day of travel, but so worth it.

We left San Antonio at 930am on Monday. We parked in the Airport Security Parking (they have coupons for 4 days (they do days, not nights) and so our thinking "Oh, we're only there 3 nights, the coupon won't do us any good" well, it would have! haha. Oh well. But the process of arriving/departing was SMOOTH!

We flew San Antonio to Houston, had a 2 hr layover so we had some lunch (not too bad of a lay over really) and then landed in Vegas at 2:30pm Vegas time! Coming home we left our hotel at 6:55am Vegas time on the little shuttle (it's $13 a person round trip...which, is SUPER cheaper than a Taxi & you get a "tour" of the diff. hotels if you happen to be one of the last drop offs, so that is pretty neat!)

We left Vegas at 9:30am (and my ONLY complaint...and this is a United/any airplane that has 3 seats per aisle each side...) the lady sitting against the window was rather big. And I understand, being a size 14 pre-baby, I'm not a small girl either...but I fit comfortably between the two arm rest when they are fully down. She was on my seat by a good 2", the arm rest was down about half way, and half way through the flight when I was trying to change the channel on the t.v. I realized the arm rest thing (since the one between me & Trav was lower). Then I would try to shift away from her, and she'd just take more space from me. By the end of the flight, the arm rest was unusable, and she was practically on top of me. VERY hot and uncomfortable. She never apologized or said anything for that matter. I understand buying 2 seats is expensive, and so is first class. But they really should make some restrictions, and if I weren't able to fit comfortably into my seat I would feel awful for taking away someone else's space. They won't let you take a bag that is 2" too wide, so they really need some restrictions on seating.

That being said. The flight was much smoother with the t.v. we both purchased. A little steep in price, but if you don't have a window seat and no one has their windows open around you, it's worth it!

We got to San Antonio around 2:45pm, and our plan didn't leave until almost 6pm. So we ate some lunch, and then we realized there was a plane leaving about an hour before our plane was. And good thing, they had seats! So we were able to switch for free, and ended up on an aisle of our own this time! YEAH! Too bad the flight itself was only 30 mins! So anyways, all in all, a great trip.

Of course, while we were there our precious baby boy turned 20 weeks! We are HALF WAY THERE! YEAH!!! And guess what!? This Momma is now experiencing swollen feet. Bad. It was SO painful the first day in Vegas, we took it easier Tues & Wed. but by the time we got home last night, Shesh! They hurt so bad I could hardly walk. I just hope it was increased swelling due to traveling.

Today they didn't need me at work, and Travis can't start his job until Monday so we are going to tackle the re-arranging process of our bedroom. Gizmo (the guinea pig, who has a huge cage on a 6' table) is moving to the den area of my parents house and we're moving furniture around to make space for the baby things! Then my nephew Timothy graduates HS this afternoon, and we have an early morning tomorrow for a fishing tournament in Port O Conner! :)





20 weeks pregnant!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

19 weeks, new lawn mower & zoo!

Tired. And the balls of my feet hurt like the dickens when I get up in the middle of the night/first thing in the morning! Weird!!

Due Date: Oct. 24th! :D

Next Dr. Appointment: Mid June!
So, we bought a riding lawn mower earlier this week and let me tell you...I like that thing! haha! It's nice! Travis & my Dad went out there before me, in an attempt to try to level the ground with the ole' attaching chain link fencing to the truck and dragging it while driving...well, it worked, until they got my Dad's truck, a Dodge Ram 2500 STUCK! Thankfully once I got out there, the truck got UN stuck and I was able to cancel the tow truck before it was too late! These are the ruts they left...errr...
That was when we decided to go get our lawn mower since the back part of the land was obviously a little wet still from the rain we had over the weekend! Here's the hubby filling her up for the first time!

Yours truly...mowed about 2 1/2 acres or so!

The Culvert all finished! We will add more gravel to it once we build our drive way :)

Travis has been working hard (I helped haul some of the brush!) of clearing out these Oak Trees! Looks SO much better!

This weekend we decided to just take it easy. We went to the Victoria Zoo (well, the Texas Zoo, in Victoria!) with my Mom in law! We haven't been in a few years, and man have they made some awesome improvements! Here are a couple picts from today!

Travis & I...and baby boy at 19 wks 2 days! :)

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 19 wks 2 days

Size of Baby Smith: A Mango! About 6" long

Maternity Clothes: Yep! And my belly band still, and athletic/stretchy shorts

Gender: It's a Boy!

Names: We've decided but aren't telling!

Getting Ready: We bought some diapers this week and started to re-arrange the bedroom a little. :)

Movement: Yes! He has woke me up the past few mornings with his little kicks! He was sitting right on my navel area and I put Travis' hand on him and he moved down :)

Sleep: Eh. Some nights are better than others!

What I Miss: Winter! lol! It's already SUPER hot!

Best Moment of the Week: Umm...feeling baby move a lot!

Food Cravings: Nothing too crazy! I am not liking Mexican food much, and it's not liking me....and that's odd!!

Daddy: Is getting excited! He starts his new job next week! :)