Saturday, August 17, 2013

30 weeks!

Wow. Less than TEN weeks to go! Back in the "single digits", only this time, it's count down time! I think back to when we found out we were pregnant...seems like forever in some aspects, in others it was just yesterday! Travis was on his 3rd clinical in San Antonio, late Jan/early Feb we took mult. tests and every emotion went through me when it spelled it out for us "Pregnant!" Being super excited, ready for this, OH so ready for it. Then all of the complications with progesterone, the hematoma...the bed rest...the shots daily for 21 days...a very scary time for us. But now as I sit and type this, he is wiggling in my belly and I couldn't be happier. We couldn't be happier as we grow our family from 2, to 3 very shortly! God has blessed us, and we couldn't be more thankful! He is so perfect in so many ways, and is definitely a blessing!

Today we had our first baby shower! My Mom, Mom in Law, and cousin Brandy hosted it here in Port Lavaca, it was a lot of fun! We played 3 games, the "guess which chocolate bar is melted in the diaper"...then we passed around a big plastic baby bottle and everyone threw in loose change, dollar bills, or whatever they wanted...then we guessed as to how much money was in the jar! We got over $60 from that game! It will definitely come in handy when purchasing the must-have items to prepare for baby Corbin! Then we did the whole "measure the belly with toilet paper"! This one was fun, Travis got to measure me, he thought I was 13 1/2 squares...I was really 12! So he's not in too much trouble :)

We got so many great items, so many family & friends came out to celebrate with us. It was a great time indeed. The theme was jungle/safari, my Mom made the cake, and Corbin got a lot of great gifts for sure!

Here are a few pictures from the shower & the beach the other day in Galveston :)

In other news, just been busy working! We close on our house as early as the end of this month, we are definitely ready to move in and get Corbin's room all set up with all his goodies! :) 

Until next time! 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

29 Weeks! (Plus other exciting news!)

I definitely haven't been keeping up with this like I thought I would! Life has been busy!

Travis passed his state licensure exam, so he is DONE with school!

We met with the bank, after much contemplation we decided to buy a "starter house" instead of build right now. (We're keeping the land, and going to build later on!) We found out Monday we were pre approved, found a house online that night, met with our Realtor Tuesday and viewed that house PLUS another house we liked, we put an offer in, and bingo bamo, here comes miles of paperwork! :) We should be closing mid-Sept! And we can't wait to move in and get baby Corbin's Nursery all set up!

Speaking of, I am going to just do a general update on Corbin:

He's growing nicely, healthy, and happy (we have PROOF! He was smiling in our 3D ultrasound!) I have been working a lot lately so swollen ankles are a new accessory I sport around! My latest craving is chili and beans! I told my Mom that'd be reallllly good!

Here's his latest picture:

He didn't want to fully cooperate with keeping his little hands up at his face! BUT that's okay, I personally think he's simply adorable! :) 

Travis & I are taking a little trip this wknd to Galveston to use our free Moody Gardens Tickets & go to the dog races and maybe do a little shopping :) 

Next weekend is our baby shower, and I am soooo excited! I can't wait to see friends and family! A baby belly pic should be coming soon...I keep meaning to take one, but life is busy! And I get comfy in not so pretty clothes as soon as we get home! :)
Till next time!