Wednesday, August 26, 2015


As I sit here at my laptop in my office that my husband so kindly built for me (I have an awesome craft desk and shelving units he hung recently to help me organize & have a place to craft!) I, I am only ever in here to pay bills, work on my Jamberry stuff, or upload pictures! Life is busy, and that is that. But I have SIX unpublished blogs I've started, never finished, or just kept as a draft on here! So I'm going to take a few minutes to UPDATE since my last post was in June!

My office! I love my white/pink chandelier we found for $25 at Lowes! Score, and it's super bright compared to the ceiling fan that was in here prior! 






We had a great 4th of July. We went to Travis' PawPaw's house on Lake Echo and had a great time with family. Did some fishing, took Corbin to the Caldwell Zoo in Tyler, did some shopping, fishing, & shooting and saw some awesome fireworks!
This is one of my all-time favorites of him, at 4th of July. Coincidentally it's the same one we chose for his 2nd Birthday Invites (that were just sent out recently!) I have this picture along with various others on my desk, and patients always ask if that's the same kid! He's changed SO much this past year!
Ready for his first boat ride on the lake!

Had some time to go shooting!

LOVE my gun! Had my Jam's going on for the 4th!
So in July we didn't do too much, we went to Splashway a couple of times. Had a blast!
We ordered our next project...a SHED! Yay! It arrived mid-August & my husband has been working on putting it together! It's HUGE. 12x10 to be exact. Our backyard's NOT massive, so this thing is something else. I joke & tell him a bed & mini fridge will fit in there perfectly for him :)
We've been playing in Corbin's little pool we have for him, it's big enough for us to set up/take down in a day, his little slide fits in it to make a water slide, or most recently a "tunnel for playing alligator" haha.
Been trying to catch up on projects. I've alluded to the fact that I will N-E-V-E-R scrapbook the 100's of picts I have stacked on my I purchased photo albums! And one day, I will put them in there! hah. We are sprucing up the play room with "READ" letters on the wall, décor and just making it a nice room for Corbin to hang out and play in with all his bazillion toys. And it gives his tent a home that his Mimmie & Pappy gave him when he was sick last winter!  I found some cute sayings on "cloud" signs at Hobby Lobby with "clap your hands" and songs as such. I made his curtains and now, keeping it organized is another story!

He will eventually have a couple of shelves on the wall beside "READ". Love his little rocking chair my Dad made for him, it's just like the one my Dad made for me :)
We have a certain someone's 2nd birthday party coming up. I was all about having it "Puppy" theme, then he took interest in Mickey & we're going to Disney, so we switched it up! I'm not going "all out" I say... ha.
Other than that, trying to lose some weight, get in better shape & spend time with our little guy! They started doing more arts & crafts at daycare, so I'm super excited when I pick him up, I have a little "gift" Makes my day!
He LOVES for me to fix his hair.
Us before church one Sunday, when Daddy had to work! :(
Hopefully I'll post again soon, if not, until next time...