Sunday, June 21, 2015

June Updates

The 21 day fix is going,'s going! It's so hard to stick to it sometimes...especially with holidays & family functions. I have managed to lose & keep 6lbs off going into week 3. I'm okay with that, considering how awful I have eaten a few days out of the last 2 weeks! My goal is to do better each day...and see what can happen. This week I will follow my normal plan, and then next week (July 4th week) I will do the 3 day fix...which really restricts eating & focuses on exercising, to wind up the 21 day fix. Once 4th of July is over, we will hit it again for another 21 days...and we plan to continue this lifestyle indefinitely! Cheating & junk food is a must on some occasions! Gotta live, a little at least! ;-) 

Time is flying by...tomorrow our little man is officially 20 months old. FOUR months until he turns TWO. Speaking off, I placed the first order tonight for favors for his "Oh Two-odles" birthday party! Lets put it this way..."We've got ears, say Cheers" sums up what I ordered ;-) I need to control myself this year, last year was a bit...over the top. Haha. Oh well, I'm just "That" MOM! 

He has such an amazing personality, loves animals & balloons. Being outside, playing in the dirt & water, riding his 4-wheeler & driving his different cars (He seriously has a collection going...) He's talking a lot more & loves to say "NO!" but we've gotten a few "Yes"'s out of him lately! He has learned to open the fridge...which poses a problem when he wants to eat lunchables & cheese all the time, or when he's walking around licking a frozen pizza roll...oh yeah, never a dull moment! We have child locks on our pantry & exit doors to our home now, because guessed it, he's conquered the door opening 101! He's in such a routine when it comes to's so stinkin cute, I wished I could video it to always remember how cute this little man is, walking through the house butt naked before bath & then in his cute jammies on his way to bed. He must have Goofy (he has 2...a small one that we got him & a medium one from Jennifer, Jose & Tommy... he must have BOTH with him) and his little puppy that his Aunt Karen & Uncle Ted & Mason gave him for Christmas last year. And his silky blanket & his taggie...and he gives tons of kisses & it's just precious & heart melting! 

I don't see how anyone could not like being around him. Or any child who's of that age, with this type of personality (Not going to lie...the whiney, fussy, loud kids drive me crazy!) But he's pretty mellow most of the time. It's actually sad that some people, just don't want to be around him. But, it's definitely their loss! We love him, he's got a lot of family & friends who love him & enjoy being around him...and those are the people who matter to us! :D's some pictures since I just love making posts picture heavy...

My cute date with his "big boy haircut" before church :) 

We got to go to the beach last weekend when Aunt Sue was down, we went crabbing & he went swimming (not planned, he just has no fear apparently!) 
Isn't this just like "Hm, wonder what life will be like today?" Pose!?

LOVED the (nasty) beach water!

And of course...enjoying some rain puddles dumped on us by Tropical Storm Bill! First Tropical Storm to go through in our house & with Corbin...and it wasn't very bad. Our neighbor lost a big chunk of their tree, and we just got quite a bit of rain making our grass so very green we can't complain! 

Until next time...

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Week 2, 21 day fix

Hey! So, officially 9 days completed of the 21 day fix! It's going really well for both of us. I weighed in on Friday, we both did...and for once, my results trumped Travis'! I had gone from 218, to 208! TEN lbs, in ONE week. Amazing. While I did the shakeology for breakfasts, I never found one I was "oh so in love with", no matter how I blended, mixed, froze, all were just not for me. So I decided to whip up some scrambled eggs with veggies to get me through the rest of the week until I can try a diff protein drink to weigh my options. Shakes are just faster for me, I can drink it on my way to work or to drop off Corbin at daycare. So we did 3 work outs last week. Shameful, I know. But still saw amazing results! We had my Aunt Sue in from Louisiana, so we did eat out more than we were planning. We plan 1 cheat meal a week...and while we ate out 3x's, we still controlled least I did. haha.

Here's my breakfast, snacks, & lunch for tomorrow. For supper we're going to do ground turkey/beef mix and either do spaghetti with it or make meatballs...something. haha. Below is: Ziti pasta, Grilled Chicken, Squash, Carrots, Cucumbers, Watermelon, Yogurt w/ fresh strawberries, my "omlette", a cliff bar & in the orange container...peanut butter! My after dinner snack for when my sweet tooth kicks in!

I decided on Monday to take my 2nd picture in front of the mirror...wearing the same outfit that now is loser on me. I can totally tell a difference in how my clothes are fitting. All of my athletic shorts are becoming large on me, to the point my husband makes a comment (compliment) every day. I wear uniform scrubs to work...and kind of the "turning point" for me was when my scrubs were tight. Tight to the point of ..."Maybe I shouldn't squat THAT far..." and one of my co-workers has had huge success with the 21 day fix, so I inquired more and ordered the goods. My scrubs are BIG on me. To the point of..."how much tighter will this drawstring REALLY go before my pants just give up & fall to the floor?!" maybe not THAT severe...but pretty close. I have SOOOO much more energy. Trust me, when someone sits beside me at lunch with a bag of crunchy cheetos I want to pounce on them like chester...but I know better. I know I'm seeing results, and I know my food is VERY good tasting & good for me, and leaves me feeling hyper/happy/energetic...vs how those "delicious at the moment cheetos" do! that being said...I am already brainstorming our 'cheat meal' this week. I guess it'll depend on the number on the scale. We worked out last night and tonight, last night we did the cardio video, tonight was Yoga. Tomorrow & Thursday we will have to hit the arms/legs again, and my legs are probably STILL sore from those crazy moves last week! BUT it'll be totally worth it in the long run. Here's week 1 picture vs week 2. I will take measurements again at the end of 21 days.

Until next time...

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Hey everyone! SO, Travis & I decided to take the 21 day challenge with Shakeology & Beachbody! One of my co-workers has had amazing results and became a coach recently, so I ordered through her. We began on Monday, June 8th...the 21 day fix with the containers & work outs. I am drinking a shake for breakfast, but Travis isn't. I'm so excited. The work outs are only 30 minutes long, which is PERFECT. Because frankly, working out for any longer than that will NOT keep my interest for very long. I always get "bored" or just find something "better" to do. Haha.

So I'm getting my water in, working out now, and eating a LOT healthier. It's only the end of day 2, and yes while I feel like my legs may fall off & my arms burn...I am feeling 100% better. I can already feel & tell the differences with my clothes & energy level.

I'm hoping to post at least once a week, maybe more if I have time..during this 21 day fix! I want to be held accountable, and with Travis participating as well that makes it SO much better & easier for me!! I don't have to listen to him go on about how good Whataburger, Grandys or Chick Fil A sound! hah!

So, I'm willing to put my stats out there. They are embarrassing! Maybe that will hold me more accountable??! When I weighed in on day one...I weighed 219lbs. Most people don't think I weigh that much and usually make me stand on a scale in front of them to prove it (silly, I know...why would I make myself weigh more!?) I am tall-ish and I feel like I do carry it well. However, I know I am over weight...and not eating healthy. Life is busy, fast food is EASY. But the lack of energy and bleh feeling...I had enough! Here is one of my before, here's to 19 more days! I'm excited we will finish round one before 4th of July! I'm just nervous because my Aunt Sue comes down tomorrow for a week...luckily I work all but the weekend while she's here, if not I'm sure I'd be very tempted to eat bad with all the good cookin my Mom will be doing!

I hate the fact that I still have such a "baby belly" pouch! Time to CHANGE that!

Day 1. Let's do this!

2 days of my meals! Went with whole wheat pasta, tomato sauce, grilled chicken & grilled turkey/beef mix for my meals. Salad with: Spinach, Kale, Cucumbers, Tomato's, Carrots, and olives. Clif bar for snack, peanut butter for snack, fruit & shakeology for b-fast! It's really a LOT of food! 

My short term goal is to lose 25 lbs-ish. I'd like to be around 195 when we go to Disney! YES we're going to DISNEY WORLD! Not for a few more months though :) Let's do this!!