Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Baby Smith #2 is a...

We are so excited to be adding 2 more feet to our family, and it's even more exciting to know it's a GIRL! Corbin has been right all along "baby sister" as he would always point to my tummy and say what baby is. We took a little while, but came up with a name: Camryn Alice Smith--Alice was my Nana's middle name, so it was given...if we have a girl, middle name is Alice. Travis being quite fond of Nana himself, had no argument. We wanted to stick with a C name...and we fell in love with it & its so natural when referring to her. It really maybe, ok...sometimes STILL...hasn't sunk in that I'm carrying a GIRL this time. All I know is BOY! I had many dreams of baby being a boy, or twins...and luckily during the 20 week ultrasound all of my "concerns" were stomped when Camryn cooperated quite well, proving she indeed is a GIRL!
When we found out Corbin was a boy, it was like everything was natural. Well, we lived with my parents and honestly didn't decide to buy a home until around August...so we were prepping for small spaces! But we knew we wanted zoo/jungle theme. It was SO. HARD. to pick out bedding for Camryn! BUT we found some we love! It's Carters "Under the Sea". It's precious. And it has this color of blue in it, that we love. Our house is crazy with color, I mean...my kitchen is yellow---dining room orange---laundry blue---master bed brown---Corbin's room green's--Spare bath blue with frog theme---and currently Camryn's room aka old play room is bright blue. Oh, and my office--light blue/seafoam. Our entry, hallway & living are a nice neutral tan! Ahh, some calmness amongst the color!
This pregnancy has been going really well. She's an active little thing, and I feel so awful because I've had this horrible cough (2nd time within 2 months now) and I get to coughing so much, she must be getting jolted around in there!
Instead of doing the whole "chart thing" I'll jot down a few things:
  • Severe gag issues. (IE:brushing my teeth is a horrid experience, certain smells in my profession make me more queasy than once before, and the thought of cat food--yuck!
  • Ranch/French Onion dip please!
  • NO swelling as of yet, happy dance!
  • Still wearing my scrubs at 21 weeks wooHoo!
  • Took Easter/Maternity/Family picts this past weekend
  • "Baby Moon" will be my Birthday weekend--Family trip to SA area!
  • Mexican Food please! Especially Vera Cruz...drool! 
Corbin is growing so much. He makes us laugh, makes us frustrated, but most of all...makes us happy. He is a sweet little boy (for the most part, unless he acts like his Mom :) ) He spent the weekend mornings with Trav recently while I worked and when I got home he said "Momma work, to help people with owies" yes...yes I did. Today I asked if he wanted to carry out the recycle bag of trash "No Momma, its too big, I too little" Haha....okay baby! If we're opening a door, moving something, doing anything ...it's always "ME DO IT!" He's so independent. I don't know many 2 1/2 (almost) year olds who will push their laundry basket to the laundry room, and load the washer! I was impressed! He also loves to get the vacuum cleaner out for me. Oh, and if I'm baking/cooking/doing anything in the kitchen, you better believe he's up on a chair at the counter helping me! But man...he can have some melt downs. Over the tiniest things! But, we wouldn't change him for the world. We're so excited to be welcoming baby girl into our lives in a few months, but most excitingly, to have a complete family to love & make memories with.
Until next time...