Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Patience is a virtue...

Hello everyone! So today made my 6th full day of bed rest. WOW. I can do it, but it is way harder than I thought it'd be. Emotionally, Physically, and Mentally! I'm so used to doing my own thing...I usually take care of the laundry, the dinner dishes daily, Gizmo our guinea pig, and other things. But in the last 6 days I haven't fixed my hair, put on make up, or even a piece of jewelry!

So tomorrow is our big appointment. Travis is unable to go due to clinical, but my Mom is going to be taking me. Luckily it's EARLY, because my nerves are already shot...I couldn't imagine twiddling my thumbs ALL day.

I don't know if they are going to do any lab work on me and check my Progesterone level tomorrow or not, since this appointment is "new" since all of the problems arose last Wednesday. I know for sure we will have an ultrasound...and we've been praying SO hard, and so have so many of our friends and family, for this ultrasound to be GOOD. I'm talking--hematoma SMALLER (OR gone...) and sweet baby's heart rate to be up!

We've been keeping our faith strong...and although at times it's easy to be negative and ask "what if", but all we know is God is in control of this situation, he is protecting and guiding us along this path and there isn't anything we can't handle and work through together with God as the center of our marriage.

Please, if you're reading this it means you care...that you saw one of the pregnancy posts probably...so say a special prayer for us to just comfort us and ease our minds as this ever so nerve racking ultrasound approaches tomorrow.

I will definitely be back with updates, so...for now, thank you so much, and God bless!


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