Tuesday, July 10, 2012


So I've typed about 3 rough drafts, then deleted them because I'm still not 100% sure I want to "blog" again. I really probably need to, that way I can use it as a diary when my hubby is far from me and I can put cool things on here! haha! SO a BRIEF intro...

I'm Tara, 25 yrs old...married to the absolute LOVE of my LIFE, Travis. We have been together since May 30, 2005. We met on Yahoo Personals, and everytime I tell someone that they are totally shocked when that kind of story comes from us! We had a long dating relationship, got engaged 12-22-07 and yes, we had a long engagement! I had to finish school first! Priorities! So, we got married 12-18-10 in Victoria, at the small Church of Christ we were both baptized in April 2010. We had an amazing honeymoon at Walt Disney World in Florida, celebrated Christmas with our families and were whisked off to AMARILLO, TX! 

Travis has been in Amarillo for school (he's getting his Doctorates in Physical Therapy, when he graduates he will take his state board and become Travis Smith, DPT!) since August 2010. Hind sight 20-20, should I have just moved up here and moved in with him prior to getting married?! Eh... probably not! We as a couple have always decided we didn't want to live together until we got married. And to each their own, we don't by any means judge anyone based on their decisions, this just worked best for US. Besides I was busy planning our "platinum wedding" and how could I do that being 10 hrs away!? haha.

So I joined Travis in Amarillo Jan 2011 after we got married! And let me tell you...I'd been up here to visit, but the day we moved me and ALL of our wedding gifts in...good grief oh mighty...COLD! The windchill was NEGATIVE...-21 degrees FAHRENHEIT! But overall Amarillo has been great. I have a WONDERFUL job with amazing coworkers & bosses! Speaking of, I'm a PTA (Physical Therapist Assistant!) and I LOVE it. But, the kicker to all this? We're MOVING again! Travis only has ONE year left of college, can ya'll believe that!? It's actually almost OVER!!!!! :) So that last year is internships, so since he'll be all over the place EXCEPT for Amarillo, we're moving back in with my parents! This makes my THIRD time to move back in with them, BUT it'll be great. They are getting "older" (they're not that old!) We will be able to help them with stuff, save up some money for a downpayment on a HOUSE (we HOPE and PRAY we are in our own house with a mortgage by next Christmas (2013!) ) We're so excited, to be close to both of our families and all. HOME is where the HEART is for sure! :)

So more about us...we have pets! Suprise suprise if you know me & my family! We have 2 dogs (Pudge & Barkley), and 2 cats (Princess & Stinky) and Gizmo our guinea pig!

We don't have any human babies yet...but soon! (I say soon...but not TOO soon (within about 2 years!)) I know our parents are ready for a new grandbaby around, but we have our "plan" and we've stuck to it this far, so we're trying to keep it going.

Overall, I love to cook (mostly bake goodies!), take care of our pets, all animals really...I love pets!, love to go fishing, being outside working on the yard, scrapbooking, and recently I started my hand a sewing! Travis stays so consumed with school these days, but he LOVES to go fishing. He used to have a kayak and go fishing all the time. I'm sure a boat will be one of our first purchases post house purchase! haha.

Hopefully I can blog quite often, and look back years from now and remember things. I seriously need to get back into my scrapbooking, I love to look back at the ones I've done from our wedding showers and such and remember all those good times. So, for those of you who read this and DONT have facebook, I'll post some pictures periodically here too! :) Thanks for reading and like I said, hopefully it's frequent!

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