Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ole' Accident Prone Me kinda Week!

Hello! I'm excited to say that tomorrow ends Travis' 3rd week of clinicals (YAY!) Only FIVE more weeks of being apart! WOOHOO!

Ok, so you're wondering about the title? I've been accident prone my whole life. Seriously! Busted out my 2 front teeth, horrible bloody nose...those are the 2 most mortifying as a child! LOL!

So my Right knee, for general terms I'm "knocked kneed" and my right knee has a horrible ugly curvature (valgus deformity), but it's "ME" I guess! I've had issues with patellar tracking (my kneecap likes to jump out of alignment) but I've done some strengthening to hopefully permanently correct that. HA! But anyways, I've already had 1 steroid injection a few years back in my patellar tendon (OUCH) but relief!

So now you know the history so you'd THINK I'd be more careful? Nope. Saturday night it began! We were leaving my in laws house and I shut my husbands back car door directly ON my kneecap of my right knee. Mind you, there's a mysterious bruise above my knee that was already there!

THEN at work earlier this week I ran into a machine, YEP, with my Right knee. lol.

Oh, this was the hilarious part. I decided to bathe our pups today since it was EIGHTY ONE degrees (81 in JANUARY!!!) but unfortunately the water was like ICE so the pups disliked me very much afterwards! So anyways, I'm bathing little Barkley, and I'm done so I go to get out of the pool with him (it's about 1-11/2' deep (the kind with the animals all over the side with plastic sides that pop up!) ) and I have Barkley, I go to step out and

BOOOM! On my R hip/butt I go!!! The funny thing is, my dad was in the shed right beside and he NEVER knew! haha. My hip knows now though! Barkley is okay! I told Travis that his tail did the "helicopter" all the way down! LOL!

Glad I could share my aches & pains & accident prone injuries with you all.

For now I'm just thankful for my wonderful family, my husband, and in laws, and my animals, my amazing job that's keeping me busy and I LOVE it, and most of all, God for all his great blessings he's bestowed upon us ;)

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